The ease of doing business and the strategic advantages of being located in the emirates, Braex has representatives in the country and plans to open a local office in 2020.
China is an emerging economy that offers many market opportunities for foreign investment.
The country has enormous potential for economic growth, offering access to a large market and considerable savings in labor costs.
Braex analyzes the economic, political and cultural factors that influence business practices in China. E Has a representative residing in Wuhan to mediate its operations in the country.

The service sector is the largest contributor to Ghana's GDP (62% at the end of the second quarter of 2017).
The industrial sector is the next largest sector of the economy (26.5% in the end of the second quarter of 2017), followed by the agricultural sector with a contribution of 11.5% to GDP at the end of
the second quarter of 2017.
With around 778,044 metric tons of cocoa beans produced in the 2015/2016 harvest, Ghana is the second largest cocoa producer in the world after Côte d'Ivoire.
Ghana is currently a net importer of petroleum products. However, the expected oil and gas production of Tweneboa, Enyenera and Ntomme (RTE) and Sankofa's oil fields will increase production in 2018 and improve the balance commercial position.
Braex is starting to operate in the country through a local office in Accra.

The United States is a capitalist economy.
The consumer is king in the US economy.
one of the most open economies in the world, and it thrives on competition.
Braex its stated in the Flórida laws.

Brazil is a country that has a solid economy, is an exporter of a wide variety of products, a fact that strengthens its economy. The main products that Brazil exports are: iron ore, steel, soy and derivatives, automobiles, sugarcane, airplanes, beef, coffee and chicken.
Braex has it`s headoffice at Sao Paulo and partners in Santa Catarina and Parana.

Switzerland has one of the most competitive economies in the world thanks above all to its highly developed service sector. Switzerland has the second highest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the world.
Braex has a representant in Liechtenstein that works with the Mineral Negotiation and the Bank Solutions.